Ever have the urge to see an erotic photo of yourself on the web, but hesitate because you don’t want to have anything attached to it (a blog title, etc) that might identify you? Or maybe you’ve posted a little bit of yourself but you long for an outlet to explore more?
You’ve come to the right place.
After the tenth or twelfth poorly lit flaccid cock shot we received at Tumblr, we disabled our Submit link. We hated to do it, because we enjoyed engaging with followers and helping to promote people who wanted promotion. And we’ll still promote you here, should you decide that anonymity is not an issue for you. But we also wanted to give people a chance to keep the photos as “our little secret,” and we are excellent secret-keepers.
Likewise, if you write sizzling erotica, we would love to feature it here! There’s nothing we enjoy more than a delicious, brain- and body-stimulating story, and the same guidelines apply to the photos — We’ll tell viewers as much or as little as you’d like about the creator.
So, send your submission ideas to us at holdenandcamille@gmail.com and let’s see what we can do!
I’ll take a pic just for you two to share on your new site!
Hi H&C,
This photo came across my dash today and I thought it looked like you but it wasn’t credited to you.
It was originally posted by a “wasbella102” and had 2,759 notes. Was I right? Is it you?
Thank you, Cristiona! That is, indeed, our photo. We believe we have counted six different versions of it that were edited and posted without credit to us. Not surprisingly, few of the “original” posters were very keen to offer to fix it. Thanks, again! ~H+C
I’ve come here from tumblr and just trying to find my way around. I really just wanted to comment and say your blog is exquisite and I’ve reblogged a few of your stunning photos. One day I would love to do something similar with my partner and I – so stay tuned! (May need a bit of handholding here though as very new to all this!)
How lovely to hear from you! Please know that we remember very well how intimidating it can be, when you’re just getting started. But we like to think we’re approachable, so please reach out to us any time you’d like. If you think it might help to get you inspired, you can always submit a photo to us, first…
Another one, same tumblr posting as source. Disappointing as it’s a good tumblr but not if they habitually clip others’ images.
Think it’s you two? Have added a tentative link. http://curiousmuse.tumblr.com/post/65439392874
Yeah, that’s yet another altered version of our original post — http://twosexy.tumblr.com/post/20933389717 — We pointed it out to her the first time she posted it, but she didn’t seem to care at all. Thank you, though! ~H+C
Thank you. Have added your link and unfollowed her blog. Don’t like that kind of use of tumblr. It doesn’t take much to show respect for the property of others. If she disregards a polite request you can have her posts taken down. Just for info. Muse. x
Sadly, we are too well acquainted with the Tumblr take-down request procedure. We did two of them just this morning! Thanks! ~H+C
Oh poop.
My wife pasted away in 2008 she would loved to know are stories were on here an a wet pussy
We apologize, but we aren’t exactly sure what you’re asking. We are sorry for your loss, though we don’t feel right about posting any pictures of someone who cannot give consent about having those photos shared. We hope you understand. ~H+C
Hmmmm!!!!! So this is something I would like to consider with my 42nd approaching
Oh, we would be beyond proud to host your image(s)! And we know our readers would be thrilled to see them! Let’s chat more about this…
Blushing!!! I would love to
Outstanding news!
We’d be happy to make some suggestions, if you’d just like to dip a toe in the water…
I’d like to dip a toe…suggest away!
Yes, we shall! How exciting!
I want to dip a toe in the water! lol
That so? You have something to send us?
perhaps I do…
How do we submit????
Just a heads-up that I sent you an email. It contains a link, so it may go to spam.