
Looking Up


We wrote at some length, a couple of weeks ago, regarding our involuntary reaction when entering unfamiliar locations to scan the area for photo opportunities. We began to conceptualize this photo immediately upon entering the loft for the first time. From the entryway, with a door opening from a busy sidewalk, this is the angle straight up the stairs. The upper level is bright and open, and perfect for this kind of shot. Halfway up, there is a small intermediate landing, and Holden wanted to shoot me there also, from above. Sadly, however, the landing was visible from the sidewalk, through the front door’s window, and we agreed that it would be too risky. In a few days, we’ll post another pair of photos like this one, since we’re so happy with several of the shots. Hope you are, too! ~C

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11 thoughts on “Looking Up

  1. Clara Erving

    Aww, the coffee outfit makes another appearance! I love it! :0)
    Anytime yall venture out, I think it’s exceptionally brave and I’m so happy yall are able to get such great shots!!

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