
Tea Lights


We temporarily interrupt our current streak of brightly lit photos with vibrant detail to bring you something dark and brooding. I really love the image from this session that we posted last January, but the concept works well without the dress shirt, as well. 😉 ~C

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11 thoughts on “Tea Lights

    1. H and C Post author

      Much appreciated! I love all the interesting little shadowy areas here. ~C

  1. fridayam

    I was about to check out this lovely photo when I thought I would check Molly’s list of 100 Top Sex Bloggers–and you are straight in at No.6!!!! So richly deserved and it made me so happy 🙂 xx

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! We couldn’t be more proud 🙂 We’re going to have to redouble our efforts to make sure we belong among such awesome blogs!

  2. foresterinthewoods

    Congratulations on being #6 Top Blogger. You both deserve the credit for such lovely photography and creative settings. Today’s photograph is stunning. The lighting is capturing your shape so well.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks very much! We would have been thrilled to appear anywhere on the list, and so it was very humbling to be featured so highly!

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