
Spokes Person



Hey, look, y’all! Brand new photos! Knowing that we would be spending the better part of Sunday at the wedding, we got busy early on Saturday with our standard weekend chores, trying to finish them as quickly as possible so that we would have time to shoot later in the day. (Fortunately, the early hustle didn’t sap our energy too badly. Because, you know, old people.)

The wardrobe selection for these particular photos was a lot of fun to plan. We wanted to choose something that would be a reasonable approximation of a biker’s attire, but wildly inappropriate for riding anywhere outside of our own garage. Thus, boy short panties and a way-too-short t-shirt. We will come back to the bike later for a couple more of these…

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8 thoughts on “Spokes Person

    1. H and C Post author

      Agreed — As nice as the warm breeze would feel on my torso, I wouldn’t want to be responsible for any crashes! 😉 ~C

  1. fridayam

    I always love the simple joy, humour and enthusiasm of your projects, and this is a total delight 🙂 If you entered the Tour de France Camille you would win hands down as all the male racers would fall off their bikes or crash trying to get a look 😉 x

    1. H and C Post author

      I do fear that I would be a distraction to the racers! I was a fan of Lance Armstrong, back in the day, before he was revealed as a cheater and a horrible person. So maybe a pile-up wouldn’t be so bad… 😉

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