
Gimme Five

So far, our return to Tumblr has been as underwhelming an experience as we feared it would be. That said, however, we have made contact with several people who are creating some really incredible erotic imagery, and we have been enjoying the photos they share. We have seen a few variations on the theme pictured here and — you know us — we had to give it a try for ourselves.

We waited until well after dark, to make the house as close to pitch black as we could get it. I bought Holden an amazing flashlight for Christmas last year, and we placed it on a chair about ten feet away from where I would be standing, with the tripod next to the chair. Holden experimented with several locations between the camera and me, trying to get his shadow to look just right while working the camera remote with his right hand. This was the best photo of the bunch, primarily because of the way his shadow thumb hugs the curve of my hip. ~C

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22 thoughts on “Gimme Five

  1. Jackson

    I get a 60’s erotica vibe from this one…not sure if it’s the setting or the b/w. But, it’s a good thing 😉 Nice shot!

    Oh, and it almost looks like the tip of Holden’s thumb is peeling off your skin.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! We will have to go back and post an outtake of this one. The hand shadows were interesting in just about every attempt. ~C

  2. fridayam

    You must have known that I would love this, and it is now firmly on my list of future poems 😉 I am sorry your Tumblr experience is poor so far, but it does take time for like-minded souls to find you amidst all the dross. Stick with it! x

    1. H and C Post author

      We had a pretty good feeling you’d enjoy this one. 😉 The Tumblr experience has at least been fun for both of us, and I love Holden’s idea to post the photos from the same day, through the years. Watching the evolution of our eye has been interesting! ~C

  3. Kerri

    Fabulous! Your figure is lovely Camille, but Holden’s shadow reminds me of a classic horror movie. I need to curl up with someone to keep me from getting scared tonight. 😉

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you, darling! Please tell Hunter that he owes us one, since we helped to prompt some cuddle time with you! 😉 ~C

  4. Exposing40

    I love this photo. Miss seeing you on Sinful Sunday! Hopefully you’ll be back soon. It provides a good prompt for me to go wandering round your site! Although I got behind with my commenting during my holidays so maybe you have been there. Xx

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! We may do Sinful Sunday again, one day. We feel like we wore out our welcome over there. Hope you’ll come back and check in with us! ~C

        1. H and C Post author

          We don’t seem to be kinky enough to warrant continued attention, it appears. Folks bailed on our posts abruptly and en masse… 🙁

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