

I’m sure I am not alone in this: As a woman, I am fascinated by the mechanics of the male organ. It’s always such a wonder, watching it go from flaccid to fully erect and then back again. But the “semi” is probably the most intriguing state, for me. Holden’s cock stays in this condition through the full run our photo sessions, most of the time, as though it were conditioned like a lab animal to expect a treat at the completion of the task at hand. Pavlov’s penis, as it were. Testicles drawn up, veins beginning to swell, but not yet being all it will be. I captured this phenomenon recently, but wanted to give it another shot without the wet t-shirt. And what better time to shoot it than right square in the middle of our latest photographic adventures! Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend! ~C

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12 thoughts on “Physiology

  1. KeithandKel

    I share your fascination! The dramatic changes and explosive conclusion are so much fun to see and experience. Sometimes I just sit and stare–kind of like I’m doing right now to H. And if I can say so without offending, his is just lovely 😊

  2. Waldman

    Great photo (and great blog)!

    As a man, I can say the ‘semi’ is super too – and it’s nice to see a post dedicated to it.

    When it starts to grow, along with the fantasies, and when The Big Thing is still at the horizon, but you know where you’re heading to… taking the time.

    One of the most arousing things in the world is precisely the fascination I can see in her eyes. I’ve always been wondering what happens in a woman’s head when she’s looking…

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you for the comment and the kind words! Our photo sessions are the greatest foreplay either of us has ever experienced before! 😉 ~C

  3. Melinda & Paul

    I find myself staring at the head of Holden’s gorgeous cock. I just love the shape and size and how it is so set apart from his shaft. I do enjoy seeing his semi-erect state and the texture of the veins just below the surface. I hope you don’t mind me saving a copy of this pic!!


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