
Watch Tower

A successful experiment with darkness and shadows, taken as we were running out of daylight during the April 8 shoot. As I have mentioned previously, attempting to shoot Holden while he’s in this state is difficult for me, so it will come as no surprise that this is the final photo that we took, chronologically. I suddenly lost interest in photography, for some reason… ~C

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14 thoughts on “Watch Tower

  1. fridayam

    I keep having flashes of old war movies and submarine commanders saying “Up periscope!” 😉 Also I am trying to remember the 60’s American novel which had the, at the time risque, comment by a woman coming into a man’s bedroom while he’s is waking, “Ship Ahoy!” 😉 I will leave you ladies to fight over priapic Holden, poor boy 😉 x

    1. H and C Post author

      Love the metaphors! I’m always more than happy to help him launch, climb aboard, and ride those waves! ~C

  2. jetosh

    H could certainly be the model for Jimi Hendix’s “All Along the Watchtower”! All he needs is a beacon on top.
    I am left with my imagination to fill in the details of what happened once C put down the camera. And if I say so myself I have a pretty good imagination!

    1. H and C Post author

      I like the idea of a beacon on top, because I often compare him to a lighthouse, also. 🙂 If it helps your imagination, remember one of my favorite phrases is “Good seats still available!” ~C

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