
Required Reading

That was the first time in my entire life I had ever spent the afternoon in bed with a man, been rolled around and loved from head to toe, with no thoughts of anything or anyone else, with nowhere else to be. The first time my 46 year old body had ever received that much attention. It was heaven.
Vlad put me back in my body and back in touch with my sexual self. All of my parts came alive. He was an expert in technique and our chemistry was explosive. It is fair to say that it was the best sex I had ever had to that point, by a lot.

The passage above is from our beautiful friend Ronna Russell’s memoir The Uncomfortable Confessions of a Preacher’s Kid. You can read all about her experiences with Vlad in the captivating chapter posted here, and we feel certain that you will be as fascinated by her words and her story as we were! More from Ronna:

No one escapes religious cults without sexual damage and I was no exception, nor was my father. He came out as gay in mid-life, as did my own husband decades later. The oppression of religion tentacled into my self perception and took decades to unthread. This chapter shows how I got started reconnecting to myself. While I had no difficulty leaving religion behind as a teenager, I had no experience interacting in the secular world, like a real-life Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt without the humor and good looks.

Please visit Ronna’s blog here, and if you are so inclined, click here for the Amazon.com listing for the book.

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6 thoughts on “Required Reading

    1. H and C Post author

      It was our pleasure! We posted this to our Tumblr, too, and a follower responded and said he already bought your book after reading about it elsewhere. 🙂 ~C

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