
Make Ready

Happy Friday, one and all! I hope the arrival of the weekend didn’t seem to take quite so long for you as it did for me. What a rough week!

This evening’s photo will be the last outtake from the reunion trip in October of 2017. It is cropped differently from the other version — but just as carefully — and we hope it conveys even more of a sense of preparation and anticipation than the original post. The wait, while Holden stalked around me and shot several photos, was excruciating! ~C

Oh, and a quick P.S. — We wrote the Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up this week! CLICK HERE to check out our to five favorites for the week.

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12 thoughts on “Make Ready

  1. KeithandKel

    Excuse me while I deal with my #ladyboner after seeing this stunning treat! You are so gorgeous I could…well, you know. Xo Kel

  2. Kerri

    Very sexy and inviting. I’m sure the wait was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time.

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