

Good evening! Tonight’s outtake is from December, 2015, and it’s a callback to a single-photo post that we published and then never revisited. I’m fond of several elements of this one, starting with Holden’s wide stance and how it mimics the shape of the Christmas tree. The tree is mostly hidden, so I wear the bead decorations on its behalf. Then there’s the peek of his man-thighs, and the fact that you can only infer what I’m doing with my hands and mouth. And this one has a much more natural color filter than the original. Hope y’all like it! ~C

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21 thoughts on “Fifteen

  1. Jackson

    I mean obviously, you saw Holden’s pants button pop off. And fearing for his safety, rushed over to help the poor man before his britches completely fell off. Why else would you be down there?

    Very hot, you two! And I agree with the natural color filter. This looks more vibrant.

        1. H and C Post author

          Thank you, sweetheart! I do love how Holden looks in a vest. πŸ˜‰ And some household responsibilities are more rewarding than others! ~C

  2. fridayam

    Camille, you are always too modest to talk about how lovely your shape is and the lovely sweep of those beads on your back. This is a delightful image and a very festive, sexy one πŸ™‚ x

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