
*** A brief note, if you’re new to this site: Please check here for a quick overview of some of our most popular photos and assorted introductory info… ***

Most of the happily married couples we know share some sort of hobby or activity. Some of them play a sport together. Some travel, or shop for antiques. Some are involved in a church or a charity.

We do this.

We celebrated our 17th anniversary this year – the second marriage for us both – and we have been creating and posting pictures for more than twelve of those years. In the process of maintaining a profile page while shopping for playmates on a swingers’ website several years ago, we became just a bit addicted to taking sexy pictures of ourselves. We posted our first photos to a Tumblr blog in August of 2011, eventually becoming frustrated with that site and de-activating three years later. We launched this site in April of 2013, and we are still going strong and posting regularly. [Update: We went back to Tumblr: The Second Location]

Neither of us has any formal training in photography or photo editing, which is part of the fun in collaborating with one another and (sometimes accidentally) making something lovely together.

We would love to hear your comments, questions and feedback and, if you’re feeling brave, to receive your submissions. Also, please take a moment to look over there to your right and find the Subscribe button. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts here on our site. (Your email address will not be shared, sold or revealed in any way.)

~Holden and Camille

40 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Byrd

    Glad you guys are back up – we love checking out your material. How does this site, vice Tumblr, give you more active control over your material? Does it prevent the ‘watermark eraser’ types from appropriating your material?

    1. H and C Post author

      Sadly, the watermark erasers will always exist, and we have no reason to believe that things won’t be stolen from here just as easily as from Tumblr. And perhaps “more control of our content” was a clumsy way of wording it. We mean to say that this format gives us a great venue for customizing the presentation, organizing our thoughts and posts, and evolving as we decide what sorts of things we want to share. Yes, that’s horribly vague, but we hope you will excuse it by understanding that even we aren’t quite sure where this is going yet! Thank you for your questions! ~H+C

  2. Nudus Foris

    I have been re-enjoying those outdoor nudes posted a little while ago – stunning! Any more in the archives? Cheers from a greedy Nudus!

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, yes, Mr. Nudus — We’ve posted several of our outdoor shots already, which you can browse in the Tumblr Archive, but we do have at least three or four more new ones left to present (not including some outtakes of previously posted shots.) Cheers to you, and thank you for watching! ~H+C

  3. Danielle

    Hi! I just found your blog and I joined, I love what your doing and I hope you will not let others who are unappreciative deter you from your creativity, it’s fantastic 🙂


    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you, Danni, and welcome to our adventures! We’re so pleased that you took the time to subscribe and, even better, to leave us some comments. Please don’t be a stranger — People are always surprised to learn how few messages we get, and we are always happy to reply! ~H+C

  4. jay

    Guys, your stuff is absolutely awesome. Captured amateur beauty is always better than any professional picture if it is done right. Don’t ask me to define what “done right” means. I just know it when I see it and your pictures are the epitome of “done right”. Please consider Mistress K. and I among your happiest fans should you decide to engage in a bit of commerce.

    thank you


    1. H and C Post author

      What a lovely message! Thank you both! We’re so happy to hear such kind words about our little hobby, which has really taken on a life of its own over the past few years! ~H+C

  5. Kerri

    If you couldn’t tell, hubby and I really love your site. We used to follow you on IG but our account got deleted (twogetnfitnfrisky–a bit too adventurous I guess), so we were glad to start following your site here. You’re a lovely couple and we’re looking forward to more posts. Who knows, we may send you a submission one day 🙂 Kerri

    1. H and C Post author

      How kind of you to say, and we thank you for letting us know how you found us! So sorry to hear that you were removed from Instagram — Do you have any plans to find a new forum for your posts? If so, please let us know where we can find them. And, of course, we would be happy to host your submissions here! 😉

      1. Kerri

        We don’t really have any plans for a new forum for posting right now. If we decide to post again, we’ll see if you would like to post it first 🙂

  6. Mal Davis


    We were introduced to your site a few days ago, checked it out, and love what have discovered!!

    As people who adore the art of lovemaking, we are feeling inspired to capture moments that we share together for our future benefit!


    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you so much, M+F! 🙂 We are always so flattered to hear that we have inspired others to explore their lives through photography, and we wish you many hours of joy and satisfaction! ~H+C

  7. Len

    From what I have seen so far, your blog is classy, not trashy like many I have seen…Me and my wife were involved in the lifestyle for awhile also…When we did find the combination. Unfortunately my wife had a minor stroke and that ended our xtra curricular activities we never got involved in pictures cause we live in a small town and our jobs were very public….Of course we have our own private collection. Drop me a line because I do have someone who plays….can’t reveal to much of that here

    1. H and C Post author

      Welcome to our adventures! We try to keep our posts classy, though fans of the more graphic stuff will get bored with us rather quickly. We aren’t actively involved in the lifestyle anymore, but we do appreciate the offer. (We stumble into kinky situations from time to time, which is wonderful, but we aren’t “shopping.”) Best to you, and we hope you continue to enjoy our little hobby! ~H+C

  8. Taut

    … had the supreme good fortune to discover you a while back through the fan post by A Sexy Woman of a Certain Age (I think she actually said it was a CRUSH!) and love your pics, commentary, good humor, and WOW-sexy attitude. Knowing that you found each other on the second try proves miracles do happen. Your photos show that you fit with each other perfectly (all innuendo intended) and for two so perfectly matched people to end up in a loving relationship and marriage … I’ll call you two of the luckiest people in the world. Thanks for letting us peek into your world and savor a bit of your happiness and adventurous hobby. You are an inspiration!

    1. H and C Post author

      What kind and thoughtful words, and on such a perfect day for them! Thank you so very much! We do consider ourselves to be fortunate, and we try every day not to take each other for granted. With our ten-year anniversary coming in 2016, we hope to have more milestones ahead. 🙂 And more photo ideas, as well…

  9. Tim

    I landed on your site today (came from Hyacinth Jones) and have just spent waaaay too long catching up. :o)
    Fabulous photos, great words. Thanks so much for sharing your passions, and for being an antidote to soulless commercial porn.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks very much for the kind words, Tim! We are happy you found us, and that our content prompted you to explore further. With your permission, we would love to incorporate “antidote to soulless commercial porn” into our advertising efforts! 😉

  10. Molly

    Hi Guys. I found you from Hyacinth blog and boy am I glad i did. You have a lovely site and beautiful images and I am all about the image. Do you have a Twitter account?

    Also, I wonder if I might be able to tempt you to join in with Sinful Sunday at some point. All you have to do is create a post that features an image, place the Sinful Sunday badge in the post and leave your link on the page and then comment at least a couple of other peoples work. It really does get a lot of traffic.

    You can find all the info here



    1. H and C Post author

      We are honored by your visit, Molly, and we hope you will come back again! No Twitter account, and we just deactivated from Instagram, so this is currently our only home on the Web. We will most certainly read up on the guidelines for Sinful Sunday, and we would be happy to play along! We post daily here, so we are certain that we have something that would be fitting for the occasion. 😉

  11. Chris

    I’ve found this place only few weeks ago and becomed addicted.I love the blog so much and like the story behind.the execution of the blog is perfect and the pictures so beautiful.Thanks a lot for sharing it with us.I have a healthy envy of you ;).

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you for the follow, and welcome to our adventures! Hope you continue to enjoy what you see, and that you’ll let us hear from you now and then! ~C

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