
In Action / Inaction


0530b-hc-bwAnother contrasting pair of photos — like last night’s post — just because. Camille was particularly amused about her hair going from a wild mess in the top photo to a tidy bun in the second.


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6 thoughts on “In Action / Inaction

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks very much! Before we started taking pictures, I had no idea how they reacted to arousal. At least, I’d never SEEN how they react… 😉

    1. H and C Post author

      We love one, too! But the thought the “afterglow” image was quite lovely, as well. These go well together.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks, Paul! I was just lying there, trying to catch my breath, and thought “Hey, I still have the camera remote in my hand!” ~C

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