
Testing One Two



Things Holden says during our photo sessions:

“Can you stand over there and let me test the light / angle / background?”

“Let me do that one again with the light on / light off / curtains open / blinds closed.”

What we lack in formal photography skills and training, we more than make up for in passion and experience. And the willingness to take lots of set-up shots before settling on a scene! Our photo libraries are full of images like these, taken before the photos we decide to publish for you. We liked these two a lot, but they didn’t have a partner or a context, so here’s one each from the upstairs and downstairs parts of our January 1st experiments.

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8 thoughts on “Testing One Two

  1. ern61

    I like all of your photos the lighting is perfect sometimes looks hard to get the light just the way you want it. What’s more fun the setup or the lighting or the places you take them? What do you enjoy more about the photo shoot?

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you for the kind words! After 1,200 posts to this site, we have to say that every photo we take outside of our own home is a delight. We are constantly challenged, when shooting at home, to find a new angle, light source, or wardrobe option to make the same locations appear unique and fresh. It’s just not that big a place! 😉

  2. fridayam

    As a Director, I am glad to hear you take direction well 😉 And these would be gorgeous photos in any context 🙂 And I feel wretched with ‘flu, so these are definitely cheering me up 🙂 x

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you for the quotation marks around “work” — Sometimes we aren’t terribly inspired to shoot, but we know we should. Even those times turn out to be fun, by the end! 🙂

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