July’s Sinful Sunday prompt is “Change,” which is quite timely, since I have been doing a lot of reflecting over the past several weeks. Holden and I, as most of you know, recently celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary. Before I met him, I had been a single mother of two very active boys for ten years. There were dates during that period, and even some hook-ups, but my focus was always on my sons, and I knew that a long-term relationship would require someone with patience and respect for my situation. A shallow pool of candidates, to say the least.
Playing the role of both mother and father — especially during hyper-masculine activities like the sports my sons played while growing up — took the “yield factor” right out of my vocabulary. And so the take-charge aspect of myself that was the hardest to change when Holden came along, but also the most rewarding, is represented in moments like the one captured above. Just take me. Take control. I trust you. Use your strength as I happily abandon mine…
To see what Change means to the rest of this week’s delightful participants, please click on the lips below!
Sounds like wonderful refelctions.a belated Happy Anniversary
Thank you! The anniversary trip was a perfect way to celebrate!
Meeting each other was a nice Change for you both. Happy Anniversary.
Thank you! We certainly met each other at exactly the right time!
the intimacy that you are with us is like witnessing something so sacred…thank you…xxx
Oh, what a beautiful sentiment! Thanks so very much!
This is so charming. For me the image could have been cropped to the upper right corner and I would have understood. His strong hand on your strong leg says everything.
Yes, well, we are always attempting to perfect the image crops… ~C
Oh, I’m not saying you should crop it, just that it’s such a powerful image, you could crop it and it would still be so powerful. Well done.
Oh – this is wonderful. It put a huge smile on my face! The image and the words complement each other so perfectly; I’m so happy that you’ve found a partner who complements you just as well (and I daresay we are all reaping the benefits of your coupling). <3
How very kind of you, Jo! We are both fortunate, and so excited to continue to share our adventures!
I can really indemnify with these words. I was also a single parent and very much in charge of my life. Finding a man who could fit into that and break through it was like coming home
Yes, that’s exactly it, Molly! Sometimes you never know what you were missing until it (he) arrives.
This is lovely, and I add my sentiments to those above–except about the cropping
Lovely words with the prompt and picture. I hope to be able to relinquish control in my sex life again.
It wasn’t easy for me, at first, but I am thankful for his steady and persistent hand(s)! ~C
I don’t have children but letting someone in and letting that someone take control has been one of my struggles but it has been the most rewarding experience too.
I think he still wishes I were more submissive, in some ways, but we certainly have achieve a workable balance in and out of the bedroom!
This image made me grin rather fiercely – there’s such passion and strength – both yours and his – in it. Congratulations to you both in having found one who complements you so well!
How kind of you, Jade! This is a turn I never expected my life to take, and I am trying to make the most out of every moment!