When you find a sizzling example of erotic photography online and you’re dying to give it a try, but you don’t quite have the skills to execute it, it sounds like this:
Wait, how is he even holding her legs up? Can you sit up higher? No? Put your hand in front, I don’t think it’s visible. Yes, I know. I’m trying. Gah, muscle cramp! Muscle cramp! Oh, fuck it, shoot it anyway.
Even with the laptop at the foot of the bed and open to the image, we never quite got it. But after that much effort, we’d be damned if we didn’t post the best one we were able to take!
Hilarious! Yes, erotic photography is a challenge… like the iphone that keeps slipping when covered in lube.
We are constantly cleaning our camera because of lube accidents!
You guys always do an amazing job. I’m so jealous. This is a great shot, even it’s not exactly what you wanted.
Thank you, love! The pro porn version was amazing, but we couldn’t quite get there — My naughty bits kept sinking down into the mattress, making it impossible to capture. No idea how the pros did that!
Looks awesome, sexy, and fun!
You know you’ve chosen a great hobby when your failures are as enjoyable as your successes!
” ‘Tis better to have tried and failed than never have tried at all”
Nice try and I love the red stockings Camille
Agree 100% with the sentiment! I thought it was time to get those red socks back out again.