
The Sock Exchange




My enthusiasm for the nighties that Audrey brought was met in kind by her excitement over the whimsical socks in my suitcase. And when I asked her whether she wanted to wear the red ones or the striped ones, her answer tells you everything you need to know about her playful spirit: “Why choose?” So, mis-matched socks it would be, as we made our way back into the suite’s living area to take advantage of the remainder of the natural light.

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10 thoughts on “The Sock Exchange

    1. H and C Post author

      You did say sexy, but we’d love for you to say it again! (You will have a couple more opportunities, with these wardrobe choices…) 🙂 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Very kind of you! Holden is always helpful with the titles, and I particularly loved his choice for this evening’s post, as well! ~C

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