




A victory for Holden, of sorts — During the last few of our private photography trips, he had been encouraging me to take out one of these floats and drift around the cove au naturel. Every time, however, circumstances conspired against us. Either the water was too cold, or the neighbors were out and about or, frankly, I would lose my nerve. This year was different, however, and I happily made myself comfortable and paddled out. But wouldn’t you know it, our quiet cove soon became a flurry of activity, with fishermen coming and going, neighbors returning from boat trips, and cars passing by along the dirt road. I quickly retreated into the relative cover of the open boat dock, where Holden was able to take these shots before I scrambled for a towel to preserve what remains of my modesty. 😉 ~C

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10 thoughts on “Retreat

    1. H and C Post author

      Perhaps so, though I shudder at the thought of my body being mounted as a trophy in some strange guy’s man cave! 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      We hoped you would notice our name-drop of your title, since the float idea was inspired by one of your ocean shots! 😉 Thank you, as always, sexy lady! ~C

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