
Wear it Well

Photo number 147 of the 147 we shot on January 1, 2016. We’ll post number 145 tomorrow evening, but in the meantime, please click below to see what our fellow sinners are up to this weekend!

Sinful Sunday

40 thoughts on “Wear it Well

    1. H and C Post author

      We hoped the thumbnail would invite a closer look. 😉 It’s not easy to see the details unless you click through for the larger version. ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you kindly, Miss Lucy! The black and white option comes in handy, when the skin tones aren’t quite right in color. 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Aw, thank you very much! We are certainly careful about which of our photos are posted on Saturday evenings — This community is full of such sexy and creative people! ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you, sexy lady! All I could do was tilt my shoulders a bit while he chose the shots, trying to get the best light on those little trails going down my torso. ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Holden said something very similar when shooting these, as I recall. Something about it being an awfully demure pose for someone covered in semen! 😉 ~C

  1. Jo

    Oh my! This is a hell of a picture, and you wear everything well. I love how his cum is perfectly sprayed across you and we can see it dripping down onto your legs – it’s a tactile, visceral (in a good way!) photo.

    1. H and C Post author

      So very kind of you, Jo! We got so lucky with the formation of his trajectory, and the way it fell across me. We honestly couldn’t believe our good fortune! ~C

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