
Flashing a Shield

Back in an April post, we mentioned going to the nursery to buy some summer plants for our collection of pretty pots. A couple of you were kind enough to ask that we include one in a later image, so here is one of our favorites. The Persian Shield isn’t supposed to do very well in hot and humid climates like our summers, but this fellow is beautiful and thriving. We also have two of very large planters on our porch that we are using as a kind of playful competition. I picked a couple of plants to go in mine, and Holden chose different ones for his, and we compare their health and appearance over time. Mine is the winner this year, by a long shot, but Holden cries foul because I am fond of watering and talking to them while wearing very little clothing. I’ll take any advantage I can get! ~C

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14 thoughts on “Flashing a Shield

    1. H and C Post author

      I’m glad you like the photo…though I’m always perplexed by your use of the third person pronoun “she.” ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you very much, K! It’s one of a set of three, so I imagine you’ll be seeing the others, as well. 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      I don’t know about the plants, but I’m there are several things you could cause to stand up and grow! 🙂 ~C

      1. Kerri

        Hee hee! Since you’re doing so well with your plants, maybe you should see if you could work your magic here too 😉

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