
Curse the Darkness

It’s almost Halloween, y’all! These are the last of the sorta-spooky shots we took during our most recent shoot, and we’re all set to create a new Halloween photo or two tomorrow evening for posting on the 30th. I love both of these images, and I keep noticing more little details every time I look at them.

Hope you’re having a great weekend! ~C

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16 thoughts on “Curse the Darkness

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! It’s (usually) a pleasant surprise when we attempt low-light shots — We aren’t good enough with the camera settings to know exactly what we’re getting until the images are downloaded! 🙂 ~C

  1. Kerri

    OMG! I’m actually in love with these photos. The lighting and shadows are wonderful, and the reflection of that cute little belly button just makes these pictures perfect.

    1. H and C Post author

      I’m so glad you liked these, Kerri! Than you very much! I was REALLY happy with the reflections in the storm door, and that I was having a good butt day. 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Excellent! Even though this was taken right at our front door, we had to look at some of the details twice to figure out what we were looking at. The vertical lines at the upper left stumped us for a while, until we realized it was the white candlelight illuminating the rails on our stairs. 🙂 ~C

  2. Jackson

    The angle of the camera and b+w gives a slight illusion that the reflections don’t quite match the subject. Like they’re slightly off. Gives it an eery vibe. Good job! And yes…you were definitely having a good butt day 😉 .

    1. H and C Post author

      I agree with you, regarding the reflections. Since the candle was the only light source, just my floating torso is visible in the glass. It was a very cool effect, although completely unintentional. 😉 ~C

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