
Night Light

Megan was kind enough to help me show off the new black and white thigh-high stockings that I bought last autumn, but I have been neglectful in modeling the tan ones that arrived in the same set. Meanwhile, on a seemingly unrelated topic, Holden and I have been fascinated with the new night light we bought for the landing at the top of our stairs, and how spooky it can appear in certain conditions. Combine those two thoughts together, and it’s not hard to understand how I recently found myself flat on my back and bottomless, staring at the second floor ceiling and trying to strike a compelling pose. ~C

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8 thoughts on “Night Light

  1. fridayam

    Camille, I love your comments as much as I love your photos and this one made me laugh out loud! The things we do for art eh? This is a gorgeous photo and those stockings sure look pretty on your legs 🙂 x

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you for reading! I figured that this photo would be too tame or strange to draw much affection, so a clever caption would probably be the best way to hold attention. 🙂 ~C

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