

As January draws to a close, we find ourselves poking through our photo archives from February of 2017 for outtakes to publish in the next few posts. We would not insult our readers in the north by blaming our lack of fresh material on the brutal arctic blast, as they have had it far, far worse than those of us in the south. In reality, we have been preoccupied with a few home projects, which have consumed the bulk of our weekends over the past month, and we have lacked the energy and time to shoot. But we will, and soon. Stay warm, y’all! 🙂 ~C

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10 thoughts on “Railing

  1. Jackson

    No pants beat me to it 🤣 . There’s just so much deliciousness in this photo! Happy Friday eve (or Friday)… depending on when you read this 😉 .

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