
This Old House

In spite of its age, our home is holding up pretty well *knock on wood* and we haven’t had to do any major work to it yet. Sure, there are little things that need to be repaired, updated, or replaced, but Holden and I are happy to take care of most of those by ourselves. I’ve mentioned before that I’m handy with a tool box, and I enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done. And if I’m sporting neither bra nor bottoms while working on a project, Holden is more than willing to watch me tackle the task by myself! ~C

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18 thoughts on “This Old House

  1. Marc

    Sexy outfit and you look great.

    Glad to hear that you are handy with the tools in a tool box.

    My guess is Holden is happy to being you tools and any thing you may need or want when you are standing on the ladder.

  2. Skin Tickler

    I hate to be a downer, but there are safety issues here. You should have somebody holding the ladder while you work. Since Holden is otherwise occupied at these times, I would like to volunteer my services. 😎

    1. H and C Post author

      That’s an excellent point! Though I see him on that ladder often, shooting pictures of me from above, and I like to think that I’ve learned his technique. 😉 ~C

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