
May Days

Our May 8, 2016 photo session was a brief one — less than 70 shots taken. I suppose we were too excited about our upcoming 10th anniversary trip to the west coast to muster up much creativity. (Remember pre-COVID, when people used to get all excited about planning long vacation trips? We barely do.) Anyway, I did find a couple of semi-clothed images that I wanted to go back and apply a dark B+W edit to, just for fun, and these are those. Stay safe, y’all! ~C

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14 thoughts on “May Days

    1. H and C Post author

      Yes, indeed. It seems like we’re about to be starting the 19th month of 2020, doesn’t it? πŸ˜‰ I’m glad you enjoyed the photos! ~C

  1. fridayam

    I especially love the second photo: a perfect example of “less is more” and a gorgeous image πŸ™‚ Btw, I couldn’t “like” this as that option wouldn’t load? I hope you are both doing well x

    1. H and C Post author

      I’m sorry the site is acting up — I think they’re doing some maintenance or something. But at least the images loaded! πŸ™‚ ~C

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