
We’ll Sing One Song

Greetings, y’all! This evening’s post is the result of a quick glance through the archive from mid-August of 2016, when we found ourselves in a decent little hotel room in Lexington, Kentucky for an overnight visit. The first choice for the top photo was originally presented in black and white, which didn’t exactly accentuate the pretty pink bralette, and the bottom image’s first choice was in color. We’re usually careful crop out things like toilet paper rolls, but the we thought the pose was too good not to share. Have a happy weekend! ~C

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23 thoughts on “We’ll Sing One Song

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks so much! Sometimes the background noise is unavoidable, but I’m always impressed at how Holden can spot them and change his ideas on the fly. πŸ™‚ ~C

      1. fridayam

        I am tempted to reply with my favourite quotation, often repeated on TV sets, β€œMerely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.” But I would hate to appear rude πŸ˜‰ x

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