
Screen Play

Happy October, folks! Sorry we were AWOL last weekend. We made an abrupt decision to spend a couple of days out of town, and didn’t have time to queue up a post before we left. It was a nice trip, however, and doubly nice to take a few days off from social media.

For the next few posts, we’ll be diving into a previously untapped-for-outtakes archive from the Spring of 2015. These two shots find me relaxing on the back porch in a body-stocking. As one does. I love H’s use of the fairy lights in the top photo, in spite of my stiff posture, and I’m happy with the black-and-white. The bottom photo (tee hee) is a bit out of focus, but it’s a different pose from the first go-’round.

We hope those of you who were in the path of Ian are safe and well, and that you didn’t suffer too much damage! ~C

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2 thoughts on “Screen Play

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks, Marc! The lights usually hang up high on hooks, but H had the “bright” idea to unhook one strand for this shot. He’s so clever. 😉 ~C

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