
I Like to Watch

Sorry we’re tardy with the post this week, but we enjoyed a day-long family celebration yesterday and got home too late (and too tired) to put something together. I’ve mentioned before that Holden is the oldest of the “children” in his extended and growing family, so it’s fun for us to interact with all the nieces and nephews that the others bring into the group. Among yesterday’s attendees was a step-sister who’s dealing with a toddler with nearly the opposite personality of her older son, and the youngest of the brothers with his first child, a four-month-old baby boy. It’s always a pleasure to see them… and then to return home to our empty nest to relax!

This evening’s outtake is a closer crop and a slightly different pose from the original, and a clever use of the oddly positioned mirror at the Lexington rental. We’re all voyeurs in a way, aren’t we? ~C

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8 thoughts on “I Like to Watch

  1. Jackson

    My goodness this is a beautiful pose! The curves, the way the light is hitting the back muscle flexion, mm, very alluring. Glad y’all had a good weekend.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you very much! We were at the mercy of the lighting the apartment offered, but of course he had me tilt my body 10-15 degrees at a time, until he got the angle he was looking for. But I agree that the curves are appealing! 😉 ~C

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