
Looking Back

Hi, guys! Well, we’re home from a short, hot trip to Texas to visit the grandsons last weekend. We hadn’t seen them in far too long, so we tried to spend every minute of quality time with them that we could. (Holden’s laugh-a-minute interactions with the four year old were, by themselves, worth the cost of the trip.)

As it turns out, we only have a few more unexamined archive folders to mine. Unless, of course, we get another wild hair to search the distant past for images following some specific theme. Anyway, this photo is an outtake from a brief October 2018 session that led to some interesting first-choice posts, and we already have a few ideas on how to take a different look at them.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads who still read our posts! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! ~C

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