
Knee Knocker

Back to the Airbnb’s master bedroom with Rena, one last time before we bring this series to an end next week. For the occasion, it looks like I’m wearing yet another sheer top that we failed to get the most impact from, but which will be at the top of the list when it comes to our next sessions (ditto for the pretty white panty.) What I do have going for me in the top photo is a firm grasp on the magic wand, and several enticing targets for it, until I dropped it in favor of something softer to hold in the second shot. Much softer.

Holden and I are on the road to recovery, but sadly are still testing positive. We’ve already had to back out of one fun event, and another for this coming weekend is decidedly in jeopardy. Boo, hiss! ~C

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4 thoughts on “Knee Knocker

  1. Marc

    Love the clothes and undies as well.

    Wishing you two a speedy recovery.

    Rena, thanks again for your time and participation and please return soon!

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