
Seasons Change

Autumn is Holden’s favorite season of the year, and the competition is not close. And I can certainly appreciate the appeal, especially in our part of the world. Cool mornings, mild afternoons, low humidity, the changing colors of the leaves… It’s really lovely. I’m partial to summer, myself, since I’m more cold-natured and I usually don’t mind the heat (which, I admit, can be oppressive.) We shot some photos last weekend, and he specifically wanted me to wear this outfit to illustrate the single drawback for him regarding Autumn: This is the time of year when I cycle out my skimpier nighttime wear for something more cozy and warm. I was more than happy to help him capture it, of course, as I’m always flattered by his lustful gaze, and the balance between indoor and outdoor photos in the brief session kept me on my toes!

If you’re traveling for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we hope your journey is safe and trouble-free, and that you enjoy memorable times with your loved ones! Take care and be good to each other! ~H+C

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16 thoughts on “Seasons Change

  1. Krystal

    What a GORGEOUS sheer top! I can totally understand Holden’s consternation for the seasonal wardrobe changes as I would be sad to see your ravishing body covered as well. LOVE all your new photos! 💜

    P.S. Jay is also team Holden as he dislikes when I cover up too!

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you so much, Krystal! Aren’t Jay and Holden lucky that their wives are such shameless exhibitionists for them? 😉 This top is the BEST, and I love how flattering it is! Rena kinda highjacked it from me during our shoot with her, so we made sure to have it ready for our next private session… ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      This outfit combination is an example of the outgoing warm-weather sleepwear. I’m sorry if the caption was confusing… 🙂 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, we agree — We were down in Lake Buena Vista last month, and the weather was glorious! Happy Thanksgiving to y’all, too! ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks, Mr. Voo! We kinda wish our holiday would come as early as yours, but we do appreciate the Thursday date that gives a four day weekend, as opposed to a Monday. But Jeebus, Black Friday is about the ugliest thing about America… 🙂 ~C

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