
January 1, 2016 — Upstairs



And thus began the bedroom portion of our New Year’s Day photographic activity! Still undecided, but we will likely post these roughly in chronological order, with gentle filters (or lack thereof) to suit the mood of the images. We are particularly pleased with the color photo here, with a retro edit suggesting memories of days past, when a couple might have had an entire day to linger together in bed…

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10 thoughts on “January 1, 2016 — Upstairs

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, how nice! It was gloomy and cloudy on the day of this shoot, but we still tried to capture as much light as possible. 😉

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! It was definitely a perfect start, though we had to wait quite a while for the sun to finally peek out of the clouds. 🙂

    1. H and C Post author

      We are forever in your debt, as the Google image search for “chapel hat-pegs” had us giggling for the better part of an hour this evening! 🙂

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