
Wash and Wear


To keep them looking new for as long as possible, I always prefer to air-dry my delicates. Fortunately, Holden is quick to offer his assistance!

(This photo was taken way back in June of 2012, but was never published. We posted one version, and then later a re-edit of the same one, but never this angle. Sorry about that.)

Vacation starts tomorrow, y’all! We could not possibly be more excited! We’re crossing several time zones, so we apologize in advance if posting times are a little screwy for the next few days. And we are likely to be slower to reply to comments, as well. But we will keep up with the daily schedule, and we have more sexy submissions to post, too, so stay with us! ~C

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16 thoughts on “Wash and Wear

    1. H and C Post author

      He said he’d be happy to help with your dainties, as well! 😉 We are looking forward to making some memories and sharing them! ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! Yesterday’s travel day was a beast, but we arrived safely and we’re looking forward to a great time!

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