

Late morning on January First. Holden whips up a hangover cure for us, while I enjoy a mimosa made from the last few drops of the previous night’s champagne.

(These simple navy blue hip-huggers are probably the least exciting in the parade of new knickers.)

It’s a milestone Sinful Sunday, so please be sure to take a look at all of this weekend’s participants! We are all expectingΒ for a big crowd…

Sinful Sunday

42 thoughts on “Breakfast

  1. Jo

    I bet breakfast with the two of you is a hell of a good time. I like the panties; I think there’s a certain kind of beauty to practicality. Also, Holden looks great in the apron. πŸ˜‰

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you, Jo! Breakfast is even more enjoyable when we can linger in bed for a while before coming downstairs. πŸ˜‰ ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks very much! We put a lot of thought into the composition, though the lighting didn’t cooperate as well as we’d have liked. ~C

  2. lapsedcatholicwife

    First of all a lovely completeness shot, and I like the knickers but you have a fab body so even grey dingy elastic gone would look good. And I love the fact that an apron is worn to prevent any hotness singeing any vitals. A happy shot x

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you, love! Holden said that one of his first cooking lessons was “never fry bacon without a shirt on,” so he always grabs his apron, even if he can’t be bothered to find any other clothes! πŸ˜‰ ~C

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