
Out of Season 1

The “Jolly Plaid” pattern is no longer an available option among the string bikini selections, so I’m glad Holden ordered these when he did. He’s feeling a bit under the weather this evening, so I’ll cut this caption short. Got to help take care of my best guy! Hope y’all have enjoyed your weekend! ~C

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12 thoughts on “Out of Season 1

  1. fridayam

    Just parade that spectacular ass in all those panties–sure to get any red-blooded man on his feet in no time 😉 Btw, is that Prince of Wales tartan, and does he know? You should send him a link and ask his opinion 😉 Best to Holden x

        1. H and C Post author

          No matter the jurisdiction, police agencies have very little sense of humor! 😉 (By their name, you’d think riot police would be a bit more fun…) ~C

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