

Tonight’s post title reflects the current score of the Big Game, which is currently being contested in our neck of the woods as we publish this post. Holden and I are half-assed paying attention, mostly out of obligation as red-blooded Americans, though we may not make it to the final buzzer. We have games of our own we would rather play. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hope you all have had a pleasant weekend! We were mildly productive, and we had just enough things planned to prevent us from conducting a shoot. We are aiming for next weekend, though. Wish us luck! ~C

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8 thoughts on “3-0

    1. H and C Post author

      And thank goodness for that, right? Woof, that was an ugly game! (Though we’re proud that the Benz looked so good on TV.) ๐Ÿ™‚ ~C

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