
Never Underestimate the Power

Here’s a pair of shots that we definitely thought about well in advance of our arrival at the Airbnb. This dresser was one of the whimsical decor touches at the place (photos featuring several others are still to come) and since we’re both fans of Andy Warhol, we knew we’d be using it in one way or another. It’s hard to get a sense of scale and mass from the advertising photos, however, so we did have to improvise upon arrival — The dresser was far too light-weight and flimsy to support the weight of both of us (one of our early ideas), but plenty sturdy for just me. And we figured Mr. Warhol would approve of the classic look of high heels and fishnets.

We hope y’all are having a lovely weekend! Would you believe we’re spending it apart from each other yet again? But don’t worry, I’ll be home tomorrow and l’m looking forward to a reunion with my favorite fellow! Take care, everyone. ~C

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